

4 methods of structuring your writing
Writing can be anything.  But it is generally structured with an introduction of what is going to be ventured into, a general body, with beginning, middle and end, and finally a sort of new status quo established having made the journey.

1 One way of structuring writing is use of counterpoint.  It is a meeting of two opposing viewpoints.  Often, like poetry, it can be an argument of the mind with the self. A dialectical argument structure is essentially a three-part structure.  It turns from thesis (one argumentative position) to antithesis (a counterpoint to the thesis) to a synthesis, which combines the two seemingly opposing views. 

2 Another way is beginning in something unresolved.  Writing can be a puzzled series of problems to solve involving mysteries, difficulties, calamities, dramatic events.  Writing can be something unresolved, revealed gradually, using flashbacks

3 Joseph Campbell sees the structure of a heroic tale as this:

The status quo
The call to adventure
Refusal of the call
Supernatural aid
Crossing of the first threshold
The belly of the whale
The Road of Trials
The meeting with the goddess
Woman as the temptress
Atonement with the father

4 Here are some more traditional story types

Wishing tale
main character has or sees something precious
character wants something badly
character tries to get it
is prevented by some sort of difficulty
overcomes the difficulty
gets what they want
in end, was it worth it?

Warning tale
two main characters are warned not to do something
They set off
They get tempted
They do what they have been warned against
Something goes wrong and they are in deep trouble
one gets free and goes for help
The other waits desperately
THey are rescued and told off for breaking the warning

The Losing tale
character is given something
character goes off
character has a good time
character realises they have lost what they were given
character vainly searches for the lost item
character goes home to face the music
character finds the item in an unexpected place

The finding tale
character goes somewhere
character starts doing something
character finds something unusual, amazing important
Something goes wrong
It is the fault of the object they found
character has to put it back, return it to the owner

Tale of quest
character sets off on a journey
something small goes wrong
something worse happens
something even worse happen
character gets there in the end

Tale of defeating the monster
all is well
but a giant comes along
the giant wreaks havoc
Jack kills it

Meeting tale
two characters meet
they disagree
they go their separate ways
something happens to one of them
The other saves them
They agree

Tale of fear
A character is afraid of something
character gets teased about this
character sets off
what they fear happens
main character manages to get through it
all is ok main character has conquered their fear

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