Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Spellbound: how this Hitchcock film reveals the workings of the sub-conscious

Spellbound by Alfred Hitchcock

When I watch the film SPELLBOUND, by Hitchcock, I just think 'man, this film understands such a lot about human beings'  Despite being a gripping film, with a very intriguing plot, there is insight into the human psyche.  It reveals the levels of the human awareness, from intuition, through to the sub-conscious.  Even Salvador Dali has a hand in making the dreamscape, when Gregory Peck (who plays an imposter called Doctor Edwards) is sent back to recall a dream he has had.  Ingrid Bergman, who plays a psychoanalyst, writes down a dream he has had.  Unbeknown to Gregory Peck, the his dreaming mind has recalled everything, despite his conscious mind pushing it all away.  The character also had a deeply rooted 'guilt complex' from early childhood, so in his life he is often drawn towards situations where he feels to blame.  Of course he's a good man in the end, and becomes aware, throughout the film, through falling in love, of his deep set 'schema' (schemas are these deep set belief systems that we all have in our amygdala part of our brain and our formed in early childhood and very stubborn and difficult to dissolve and establish a new, adult way of looking at things)  However, falling in love can help us realize that we are still controlled by these stubborn, childish ways of seeing.  Love is a state away from control... love is a real spiritual opening, yet this stubborn, 'pain-in the neck' internal fears and believe systems started at age 2 years old, really make it difficult.  Ideally love should show you the way to transformation and growth... but both parties in the love bond must be aware of what they are doing and how they are behaving is sabotaging their bond.
What I love most about Spellbound is Ingrid Bergman's trust and faith in her love: her intuition.  So many say 'oh love is blind... you are so in love you can't see how things really are and put up with a man who's flying a red flag from day one and spells disaster'  but she has already developed such a strong sense of intuition, that it leads her through everyone's false guidance, and she helps release a totally innocent man from jail through her belief and trust in her intuition.  Her intuition throws up signposts and through following it, it guides her through a dark wood and to truth.

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